How to improve time and priority management in the workplace?

Overbooked diaries, overflowing mailboxes, long working hours… this is the daily routine for many managers. Are you feeling overwhelmed by all your missions? It’s time to step back and focus on the essentials. Time management” has become one of the top priorities for managers. How to set up effective time and priority management? QuarksUp offers you an overview of the key steps to learning how to manage your time better.

Definition and challenges of time and priority management ?

Time and priority management is all about better organizing your tasks, with the aim of achieving greater performance. To achieve the objectives set, it is necessary to optimize the duration of each activity. How do you keep track of overworked employees? The quality of working life questionnaire is the best way to obtain all this information.

The challenge of time management is twofold. It’s good for business, because it improves productivity. The employee, on the other hand, can approach his or her job with greater peace of mind. Quality of life at work is greatly improved.

What are the benefits of good time and priority management?

Why implement time and priority management? What are the benefits for companies and employees?

Addressing the thorny issue of time management at work has several advantages, both for employees and for the company:

  • Less stress. Cases are no longer dealt with on an urgent basis. Employees work more serenely, with less mental strain.
  • Increased motivation. Employees feel less overwhelmed and more motivated at work.
  • Better quality deliverables. Employees take the time to do their jobs. No more sloppy work.
  • Good team relations. There are fewer backlogs. Employees no longer feel under pressure. Exchanges between colleagues are peaceful.
  • A better work/life balance. No more long hours or overtime. The employee’s free time is restored.

How can I optimize my work tasks?

Task management is a major challenge for companies in their constant quest for performance.

Good to know: there are many methods of time management

Over the years, several time and activity management methods have emerged. These include Pareto’s Law (20% of actions for 80% of results), the SMART method (for setting objectives) and the ALPEN method (for organizing your day).

1 – List all the objectives to be achieved

For good time management, organization is key. To avoid procrastination, you can draw up an objective inventory of all your assignments. Draw up a to-do list and note down your routine tasks and special assignments. Beware, however, of counter-productive long lists.

For an effective to-do list, you need to define clear, specific goals that are directly linked to your function. You can set daily, weekly or monthly goals.

2 – Defining mission priorities

Once this to-do list has been established, it’s essential to draw up a schedule for each task. How to prioritize?

Rank the actions according to their degree of importance. To do this, analyze the urgency and importance of each assignment. Refer, for example, to the Eisenhower method. Its task prioritization matrix ranks tasks according to their degree of importance and urgency:

  • Important but not urgent;
  • Important and urgent ;
  • Not important, not urgent;
  • Urgent but not important.

If you don’t feel you can meet the deadline, feel free to turn them down.

3 – Create deadlines for each project

Finally, for optimum time management, it’s important to define a time limit for each task. This provides a framework and avoids constant postponements. You need to stick to it to avoid wasting unnecessary time.

Time management software is even available for complex multi-tasking projects. They enable you to define a precise timetable for achieving your objectives. They monitor the project’s progress on a daily basis.

For effective time management, prioritize your actions! Implement a time management method to increase productivity and peace of mind.

3 key points to remember:

  1. Good corporate time management boosts performance.
  2. There are many recognized time management methods.
  3. For complex projects, use time management software.

Good to know! quarksUp is an HRIS solution for managing the entire employee cycle.

Thanks to this HR tool, everything can be done online. As an HR manager, you’ll be in charge of all our employees’ digital activities. With its modular offer, quarksUp intervenes from recruitment to employee off-boarding.

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