Author Archives: Maxime PONSAR

What is continuing education? Objectives and benefits

Find out what continuing education is and why it’s crucial to professional development and business competitiveness. … Read More

How can you optimize your company’s recruitment process?

Find out how to improve your recruitment process with effective strategies and practical advice. … Read More

How is AI revolutionizing recruitment?

Find out how AI is transforming recruitment, improving the efficiency of HR processes and helping to find the best talent. … Read More

Performance-based pay: how does it work?

Find out how pay-for-performance can boost productivity and employee satisfaction. … Read More

Conflict management in the workplace: effective strategies and practices

Discover effective strategies and practices for managing conflict in the workplace. Learn how to resolve disputes to maintain a harmonious and productive work environment. … Read More

Key competencies for 2024: develop your team’s soft skills

DΓ©veloppez les compΓ©tences de votre Γ©quipe grΓ’ce Γ  notre guide expert 2024 pour dΓ©velopper des soft skills ! DΓ©couvrez des conseils Γ©prouvΓ©es pour amΓ©liorer la communication, la collaboration, la rΓ©solution de problΓ¨mes et plus encore. … Read More

Top 10 best practices for promoting employee well-being at work

Employee well-being is a major issue for companies.

Happy, fulfilled employees are more productive, more creative and more loyal to their company. They are also less prone to absenteeism and turnover.

Here are 10 best practices for promoting employee well-being at work. … Read More

How do you manage summer vacation requests in your company?

Summer is approaching, and with it the long-awaited period of paid vacations! For employees, it’s a chance to rest and recharge their batteries.

But for HR managers, it’s often a headache: how best to manage requests for summer leave to ensure continuity of service while satisfying employee requests? … Read More

setting up sirh meeting with professionals

Setting up a sirh: how to manage deployment?

At quarksUp, we understand that our customers’ success depends not only on the power of our HRIS solution, but also on personalized support throughout the implementation process. This article guides you through the crucial stages of deployment, highlighting our commitment to an exceptional customer experience. … Read More

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HR Indicators: Calculation and dashboard | quarksUp

What are HR indicators for? How do you calculate them? How do you create an HR dashboard? quarksUp, specialist in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More


GPEC: definition and implementation tools

What is GPEC (Gestion PrΓ©visionnelle des Emplois et des CompΓ©tences) and how can it be implemented? quarksUp, expert in HRIS, answers your questions. … Read More

Annual appraisal interview: objective, grid | quarksUp

The annual appraisal interview is an opportunity to take stock of performance. quarksUp, expert in HRIS, guides you in preparing your objectives and evaluation grids. … Read More

Dematerialized payslip: definition and duration | quarksUp

What does it mean to dematerialize a payslip? What are the requirements for setting it up? quarksUp, expert in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More

Training plan: definition and model | quarksUp

How and why implement a training plan? Who is it for? quarksUp, specialist in HRIS, gives you its advice. … Read More

Payment of unused RTT: explanation | quarksUp

With your employer’s agreement, it is now possible to obtain payment for untaken RTT! quarksUp, the HRIS expert, explains it all! … Read More

benevolence at work meeting colleagues

Benevolence at work: why cultivate it?

Being benevolent in the workplace motivates employees and builds trust. How do you cultivate benevolence at work? … Read More

Absenteeism at work: definitions and solutions | quarksUp

Absenteeism from work is a growing problem. How do you calculate and combat it? quarksUp answers your questions! … Read More

New employee integration plan: a practical guide

A crucial stage in recruitment, the integration of a new employee is a delicate process. quarksUp, the HRIS expert, will guide you to success! … Read More

Time and priority management

Managing an employee’s schedule is crucial to his or her well-being and fulfillment within a company. How to optimize your time and priorities? … Read More


HR personnel files: content and management

The personnel file brings together all the information on an employee. What should it contain? quarksUp expert in HRIS guides you! … Read More

Payroll digitization: economics and CSR

Is it possible to digitize payroll preparation and dispatch? What are the benefits? quarksUp, expert in HRIS, answers your questions. … Read More

Create your own workplace well-being questionnaire

How can you assess the well-being of your employees? quarksUp gives you its tips for building an effective QWL questionnaire! … Read More


How do you go about digital onboarding?

Digital onboarding is increasingly used by companies recruiting telecommuting employees. How can you successfully integrate digital technology? … Read More

How do you set up a QWL approach?

How can you improve employee satisfaction? quarksUp gives you examples of actions to implement for your QWL approach? … Read More

Conflict in the workplace: Management and methodology

Conflicts at work are a regular feature of corporate life. How do you manage these conflicts? What methodology should you adopt? quarksUp gives you some advice. … Read More

Training paths: definition and objectives

What is a training path? How can you implement it in your company? quarksUp, the HRIS expert, gives you advice! … Read More


Company integration program: objectives and stages

How do you design your induction program? What steps do I need to take? quarksUp, the HRIS expert, gives you a guide! … Read More

Offboarding process: how do you manage it?

Offboarding, or the departure of an employee, is always a difficult time for a company. quarksUp can help you organize these procedures! … Read More

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Individual annual appraisal: objectives and preparation

What are the objectives of the annual performance review? How to prepare? quarksUp expert in HRIS gives you advice! … Read More

Mandatory teleworking charter: what you need to know

How do you set up teleworking in your company? What are the obligations? How do you draw up the charter? quarksUp guides you through its implementation. … Read More

mandatory QWL agreement

QWL agreement: is it mandatory? We’ve got your back!

What are HR indicators for? How do you calculate them? How do you create an HR dashboard? QuarksUp, specialist in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More

calcul jours de fractionnement calculatrice

How to calculate fractional days Rules and procedures

What are HR indicators for? How do you calculate them? How do you create an HR dashboard? QuarksUp, specialist in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More

how to prove overwork

How to prove overwork: what the law says

What are HR indicators for? How do you calculate them? How do you create an HR dashboard? QuarksUp, specialist in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More

HR Indicators: Calculation and dashboard

What are HR indicators for? How do you calculate them? How do you create an HR dashboard? QuarksUp, specialist in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More

GTA meaning HR: how to do it? Rules and procedures

What are HR indicators for? How do you calculate them? How do you create an HR dashboard? QuarksUp, specialist in HRIS, answers your questions! … Read More